
Aslı Saglam's Blog about CPD in ELT

Web Tools for Learning Vocabulary; Word Clouds and MindMapping Tools


Last week  I asked the students to revise the newly learned vocabulary by using some web tools such as Text2Mindmap, Wordle, and Image Chef . The idea was to get my students write vocabulary exercises using  Word clouds & Mind mapping Tools.

I wanted the students to work in groups to prepare vocabulary exercises and revise the newly learned words. Their task was to go over the units in student course book and supplementary materials and write a vocabulary revision in groups by following certain specifications outlined in a model exercise.

First students got into groups and I assigned units of our course book to groups. They were asked to choose 10-15 key words to test their classmates. After they decided on vocabulary items they showed me their lists. I introduced word cloud generators and mind-mapping tools and asked them;

1) to create word clouds of their chosen key words

2) group these words using mind-mapping tool. They could group target word list that they prepared based on meanings , antonyms, synonyms, word forms…etc

I showed them examples of vocabulary exercises and asked them to write word formation & fill in the blanks type exercises. It took some time and we couldn’t finish the task in one class hour. So after they were done,  one person in the group was assigned to e-mail their work to me. I brought outcome of the groups’ together and edited the document. The next day, our homemade vocabulary task was ready! Students were amazed by the outcome which consisted of everyone’s contribution.

In sum, Word clouds and mind-mapping could be useful for retention of the newly learned words and  I love when students work harder than me!!






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